Blog Stories
let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things.
Chaim Potok
On Knowing Your Value from Your Souls Perspective
This was not the witch wound. It wasn't even the feminine wound.
I had begun an unravelling. A slow unwinding of beliefs, patterns, and programs that were keeping me bound. Bound away from myself.
The deeper I went the more revealed I felt as I slowly connected to my Souls vision.
It was as if my Soul was holding up a mirror, showing me itself. Showing me, MYself.
This is who you are. This is your value. We are one. My value IS YOUR VALUE.
On Uprooting Your Life and Anchoring in the Newness of Change
So too with people. When we go through change, when we're uprooted from all that we know, we need to place ourselves in the best position possible so that thriving becomes a normal way of life.
Energy Healing Online
When working within the cells, we are working with energy.
Your physical body, at its deepest level, is energy, and it moves almost at the speed of Light.
It’s when the energy is trapped in the density of the outer physical structures that it starts to slow down. Calming, releasing, and reprogramming all the reasons it’s slowed is the real work.
The Power Of The Chrysalis
The truth of the chrysalis is often obscured by the purposeful nature of transformation. Yet beneath the transformative process pools of doubt and fear can be found.
Walking Ourselves Home
I’ve been working on a rebrand – of my fb page, my website, and if I’m honest, of my life.
The past few months have seen me cracked wide open. I’ve had to look at myself from so many perspectives, and not shy away from what I find. There were some hard truths and I allowed myself to feel them all.
Becoming Me
It’s been one heck of a ride, this whole ‘becoming me’ thing.
Each time I’ve thought I’d reached ‘somewhere’, the world has turned and it’s like I start all over again.
Is it this way for you too?
So often we go down pathways of expansion: learning what we are drawn to so that we can feel more, know more, be more.
Sometimes this looks like taking new courses, reading books, listening to podcasts, receiving healing sessions, talking it through with our partner or friends, working with different practitioners, or even retreating into meditation so we can focus on ourselves and block out the rest of the world for a time.
From Shadow To Light
If there is one thing which we must all understand, it is that our Souls hold no shadow. Our Souls cannot. They are born of the Light, are made of the Light, and exist within the Light.
Our human selves however, in trying to understand the nature of our Soul and how it is part of ‘us’, strive to ascribe deeper meaning to thoughts, actions, and emotions of the inner self.
Start Where You’re At
There’s a lot of talk about how you have to earn your stripes and do a certain amount of study and practice to be a successful intuitive/reader/psychic/healer.
There’s a whole heap of beliefs out there limiting you into moving through your growth at a certain pace in a certain way: ie you must have ‘x’ number of readings under your belt before you can charge; you must have studied ‘x’ before you can begin your own business; you need to have cleared ‘x’ before you can help others.
Inviting in Abundance
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
Here’s a thought… what if you don’t get to pick and choose what kind of Abundance you get?
What if… you get to have it all?
What Are Sister Circles?
There is something profoundly healing that happens when women gather together. A Circle is a sacred space where women can show up as exactly who they are: to be seen, to be heard, and to be held. There is no agenda in Circle work, only the intention to hold space for vulnerability, and for strength.
Practice: ground Through Your Heart
We all have heard about grounding into the earth. It’s that beautiful process of connecting into the centre of the earth and letting everything that no longer serves, everything unwanted, drain out of you. In its place drawing up the earths energy to fill you with peace, strength and calm.
This is a practice that I use everyday in some way. It’s one of the basic principles and rituals which form the foundation of my days.
Personal Growth Can Be Painful
I needed my Big Girl Pants!
I spend a lot of time and energy, probably just like you, working on myself. My spiritual focus and beliefs determine the tone and flow of my day.
Some days, that tone is calm, sweet and pure.
Other days, not so much. And these are the days where my personal growth is in action. Painfully.
Recently that pain has been around Judgement.
Having a Spiritual Practice Doesn’t Give You A Free Pass
We practise. We meditate. We space clear and buy singing bowls.
We practise gratitude.
And forgiveness.
We work at being ‘good’ people.
And bad stuff still seems to happen to us and around us.
And when it does, we get angry, frustrated and yes maybe even have a temper tantrum.
Having a spiritual practice doesn’t guarantee you a free pass. It just doesn’t.
Coming Out Of The Psychic Closet
I’m psychic. There, I’ve said it. And make no mistake, it’s taken me years to get to this point where I can say it openly, with deep inner belief and understanding of exactly what that means.
Are You Psychic?
One of the ways I work with my clients is through Spiritual Mentoring. These sessions are where we explore their connection to Spirit, expand their awareness and deepen their practice. Through teaching rituals, tools and techniques a deeper understanding of their relationship with Spirit is allowed to develop.
There comes a point in these sessions where I usually get asked, “are you psychic?”
I always answer “yes!”.
And this is the part I love, because they then ask, “how do I know if I’m psychic and not just a little bit crazy?”
Claiming Sovereignty
As a child I used to have nightmares.
Living, breathing nightmares that would rise up out of the darkness each night to terrorise me.
The black panther pacing back and forth on top of my wardrobe.
The vicious tribal man waiting under my bed, knife poised, waiting to stab me through the mattress.
As a child, all I knew was that I was being hunted and my bedroom was no sanctuary against the onslaught.
To my childs senses, it was overwhelming and terrifying. And very, very real.
Salt Lamps - Do They Really Work?
I’m often asked about the Salt Lamp I have in my healing room – why I have it and what does it do?
Well, the main thing Salt Lamps do is emit negative ions into the atmosphere.
You know that feeling you get after a thunderstorm, when the air smells crisp and clean? That’s due to the negative ions emitted from the electrical charge of the storm.
Ions are atoms, and can be either negative or positive.
A Valentines Day Wish
Valentines Day is a day for lovers. A day to openly cherish and declare our love for our partners. A day to embrace the schmaltz and cheesiness of a ritual whose roots have long been forgotten in the commercialised reality of the world.
But what if you’re single?
Who do you send flowers and cards to then? Who do you make a special breakfast for? Who do you gaze at lovingly and whisper the secrets of your soul to?
For Lovers of Tea!
My favourite thing to do is drink tea.
It gives me a reassuring sense of peace and lightness. It’s warmth holds me. It’s scent calms me. It’s medicine heals me.
And clearly I’m not the only one who has a love affair with tea, as I’ve found a few beautiful, funny and heart warming quotes that bring a smile to my face and fills my heart with laughter and love.
From my heart to yours – enjoy!