Energy Healing Online
“How can you do energy healing online?”
I’m sometimes asked this from clients who have only ever seen me for in person sessions.
The answer is both complex and yet simple.
Working ‘in’ your energy with you physically present, I place my hands on your body. Through touch and extra sensory awareness I navigate through your structures and systems: physical and energetic. Working at a subatomic particle level deep within your cells to achieve release, change, and transformation. This then translates through your cellular body and effects change on multiple levels.
When working within the cells, we are working with energy.
Your physical body, at its deepest level, is energy, and it moves almost at the speed of Light.
It’s when the energy is trapped in the density of the outer physical structures that it starts to slow down. Calming, releasing, and reprogramming all the reasons it’s slowed is the real work.
So when I move energy healing online, I start to work with the laws of quantum physics. Moving from a Newtonian model of our world, to a Quantum model.
Here I move beyond the limitations of a 3D reality and embrace the understanding that time as linear and sequential no longer applies in this new Quantum model.
Which means what exactly?
It means I can work outside the bounds of space and time.
Working with the energy at this level means we don’t need to be in the same room, the same space, to be able to connect.
Energy healing online becomes available.
There are many terms or phrases we know to describe this: The Butterfly Effect and The Ripple Effect are just two which speak to one thing happening somewhere in the world and it’s effect is felt elsewhere.
And you will probably have experienced the phenomena of thinking about someone, and they call you out of the blue. It’s as though they had felt you thinking about them. This is yet another example of the way we are connected – through our energy – and not limited to space and time.
The same applies to our energy.
At a quantum level we are all connected. So ‘reaching’ for your energy and working with you becomes as simple as if you were physically present.
Because space and time are no barriers to energy.
I offer online energy sessions world wide.