The Journey

An exploration of what it means to be YOU.

Journey with me in sacred space, dedicated to YOU. Uncover who you are without the beliefs, judgements or expectations of others influencing your inner vision. Release old patterns and free yourself to be THE REAL YOU, all the time.

An extended time of exploration allows us to move with the ebb and flow of your life, your energy, your heart, your soul. Always guided by your truth in every moment. YOU are a sacred being. You deserve to honour all parts of you. This work gives you space to explore exactly who you are, who you’ve always suspected yourself to be. And it gives you tools to understand what that means and time to bring your truth out into the light of your own life.

This my darling, is a time of deep self enquiry, exploration, and truth seeking.

It’s time for you to come home.

Come and walk with me as we pull back the curtain and dive into your soul blueprint to bring forward your gifts, passions, and purpose. Your truth.

All built on a foundation of deep self awareness, belief, and acceptance of self.

  • We meet once every week, for 3 or 6 months (your Journey, your choice).

  • Each month we set an intention based on one of the 4 Dimensions of Life. We then spend that month diving in and exploring, searching for YOU.

  • We look at how and why you’re showing up in your life the way you are.

  • We identify where you’d like to create change, and how to move through any resistance.

  • Your intuition is opened further with each session as you learn to become your own guide, your own authority.

  • Dreams are explored, visions created and anchored.

  • Your masculine and feminine energies are brought into their unique balance, and their gifts and strengths accessed and harmonised within your being as a whole.

  • Spiritual teachings are channelled specifically to enhance your journey and understanding of your soul, its evolution, and the reality of this life experience.

  • Your knowledge base is upgraded, and your consciousness raised.

  • Your unique soul frequency is accessed and this becomes a guiding truth throughout the year. Think of this as your internal compass, continually realigning you to your own true north. Your ability to work with and trust this internal compass is part of the unfolding and elevation of your intuitive abilities.

  • Self Care, Self Love, Self Belief, Self Worth - all explored, nurtured, upgraded, and built into your foundations as core concepts.

  • Each week builds upon the last as your growth integrates, accelerates, and your awareness of WHO YOU ARE expands.

What happens on The Journey

The 4 Dimensions of Life
Mind · Body · External World · Inner Realm

The 4 Dimensions of Life are comprised of internal and external experiences.

One is experienced collectively, the external world. The other three are individual experiences..

The way to individual expansion is through AWARENESS.

When you are participating in and reacting to life outside of yourself, you are constantly being informed by the shared collective experiences of life. These experiences create a pull to ‘over there’. A pull to be involved and often invested in what’s occurring around you.

When you practice awareness, you are gently being guided within. To be an observer rather than a noisy participant. This is when you begin to understand the richness of your internal reality.

“Everyone has a unique set of talents. It is up to us to discover them. The mind and body are the vehicles of expression, and the two are available to each individual. We can enhance the mind with external knowledge. However, to sharpen it and strengthen its clarity so it may reflect our true potential, we need to explore the least understood dimension, the inner realm. This exploration can only be done individually.”

— Dr. Niranjan Seshadri

Everything in my basket of magic is available to you as we Journey together. All my individual sessions, in whole or part, are available to meet your needs, AS YOU NEED THEM.

Like a little taste?

Energy Healing, Channelled Guidance, Spiritual Mentoring, Integrative Change Work, Personalised Meditations and Hypnosis Recordings, Hypno-Coaching, Practical Neuroscience, and all the other magical things I have to offer.

You are supported every step of the way and questions answered from soul.

The sacred space is held and nurtured by higher energies, guides, the Divine I AM Presence, and Source Intelligence.

All this so you can finally come home to your truest self.

This is Practical Magic applied to YOUR LIFE!

How fabulous does that sound?

What you receive for the Journey

What People Are Saying

“I felt a major shift in my spiritual growth ever since I embarked on a journey guided by Theresa. Sometimes the road can be rocky and sometimes its wonderfully breathtaking and I am simply in awe for this whole process of transformation!”

— Sylvia Chen

I cannot put into words just how incredible this woman is, Theresa is utterly fabulous! Alongside of her kind, warm and caring nature she is very professional and transparent within her work. She takes the utmost care of her clients.

Her work is potent and extremely transformational. She has a way of bringing forward incredible loving insight and helps shift my perspective. She is an exceptional intuitive healer and I leave every session with a full and bursting heart, feeling clear and sure of the path ahead of me.

— Sarah Hooper