"We are all Warriors of Light.
With the strength of our love and our will we can change our destiny."
Paulo Coelho
Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW)
Energy Balance
A multi-faceted, multi-dimensional energy healing experience.
RAW offers pathways to:
clear blocks, release beliefs, and reframe patterns and behaviours;
identify core issues and locate and release them at their point of origin;
bring you into a deeper state of calm, purpose and clarity;
help you begin to see yourself with compassion through the lens of higher love.
RAW is a multi-faceted multi-dimensional energy balancing system. Using kinesiology (a non-invasive muscle testing technique) we are guided by your body's own wisdom to identify, clear and release the blocks preventing you from living radiantly.
By unlocking the healing potential within your own Being your energies are able to move into their personal power; directing, clearing, and releasing obstacles to vibrant living.
RAW is gentle yet allows for profoundly transformational healing to take place on all levels of the Being.
Work on issues that are causing pain or imbalance in your life.
You gain clarity, focus, inner balance and harmony, as you allow your own healing ability to function at its original and optimal levels.
Just like the petals of a flower, your energy system has many layers. These layers can hold trauma, blockages, conflict, beliefs and behaviours. A RAW Energy Balance is a healing pathway that opens up those layers and opens you to your own ancient wisdom and knowledge.
By clearing blocks, behaviours and patterns held at a deep cellular level, it allows us to remember and experience ourselves as the true essence of who we are – authentic, connected, grounded and empowered.
During the session you hear all the rabbit holes your energies want to go down - on both a conscious and unconscious level.
You can connect the dots and hear the twists and turns as your conscious mind is an active participant. You don't need to be silent! This means you can ask questions as we go, and interact consciously with the healing process.
You leave each session knowing the healing and release has already taken place and the changes have been locked in. The increased awareness that comes with this allows a shift in perspective which creates space for understanding and clarity.
Each session is about you, the issues, concerns, and stresses in your life, and what it is you want to release.
This release, the letting go of long held pain, trauma or frustration, can be profound and life changing.
Rekindled Ancient Wisdom
(RAW) Energy Balance
$250 / 90mins
- Online
“I was fortunate enough to have received an Energy Balance from Theresa and the layers of energy that upgraded and opened my heart is simply beyond what I have experienced in the past. I am now doing and providing many healing sessions for my own clientele after the heart opening session and I personally felt the shift in the consciousness. Beautiful!
- Sylvia
“From my very first RAW Energy Balance with Theresa I have felt safe, secure and pure love. The person that I am now is not the scared, teary mess that first walked into her beautiful sanctuary. I love the me that Theresa is helping me uncover and I love how fabulous I feel when I leave a session. Theresa has helped me see a path I never realised I could walk along and for this I will be forever grateful.”
— Katrina