Circles have always been a space for women to come together to share their experiences, their lives,
and their stories.


Womens Circles

The ancient art of sitting in Circle to be seen, heard, and to hold space with an open heart and mind as witness to the journeys of others.

Womens Circles allow you to sit in a space that encourages you to explore your inner world. You are held in a safe, non-judgemental way that invites you to experience deep nourishment as you explore and share your journey.

This is a time for story telling. As you are presented with new experiences and ideas, and your awareness is challenged to expand further, stories will arise naturally to support the process. It is in Circle that these stories have a home. They are received and witnessed with gentleness as they are a pathway of remembrance and release as you embody more of your souls light.

These Circles are an online gathering of sacred energy: a container of love and support blended with guidance and universal teachings.


Are you seeking to: 

~ fast track your spiritual growth in a group environment?
~ hold space for others as you grow together?
~ open your heart to new ways of seeing the world?
~ expand and raise your vibration?
~ hold a stronger clearer connection to the divine?

Then working together in Circle may be just what you need.

We meet online every week to hold space, discuss our beliefs, bring our passion and purpose to the table, to allow growth and expansion.

This is Soul work. 

Gentle and deep expansion to bring you more into alignment with all of who you are.

Explore the offerings below

It is preferable to work through the Levels in their order, as the work and teachings expand upon the previous.

  • Circles of Light

    These circles are for women who are wanting to learn in a group setting. Hold space for each other as spiritual wisdom, divine universal laws, soul expansion, and personal evolution are pathways explored with grace and gentleness.

    With 3 levels to explore, each with their own theme, there are many opportunities and pathways for growth and exploration of all of who you are.

  • Circles of Love

    Return to Love. One of the foundational frequencies of our universe is Love and here we explore all the Love in all the ways, including how we can move into and hold more Love for ourselves and for others.

    Masculine and feminine energies are balanced within each level as your heart is encouraged and supported to open further to Love.